Why You Should Check The Residency Requirements Of Your Online University

You may think it’s odd to consider thinking the residency requirements when attending online universities. Simply because we all believe that we can attend to our online studies anywhere we may go even in the comfort of our bed. Well if you think the same way I guess its time for you to consider now the residency requirements.

Based on my inquiries to some friends who are taking online degree, they are required to attend a weekend orientation and there are some courses too that require students to visit the school to defend their thesis. This means that there must be times or special circumstances when you need to be physically present even if you are taking an online degree.

North Central University, for instance offer no residency requirement for their online degree programs. On the other hand, Walden University, one of the leading accredited graduate institution that offer advanced degrees online to professionals specify that they have some residency requirement depending on the online program.

This gives me an idea that it is a smart thing to check the location of the online university because if it’s too far from your vicinity you may think twice of going or not. Hence it makes sense to check their location to save you from the hassle of shedding expenses for travelling and accommodation or better yet, check if they are offering a 100% online degree program.

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