Cheat-Proof Exam Now Possible At Online Learning

I previously wrote about the allegedly academic dishonesty among online students since many people think that the open book policy of open universities are conducive for cheating during exams. And just like what I’ve said, no decent online university will tolerate such instances that can taint their reputation.

And the cheating issue among online students will soon be gone with the introduction of new software that ensures secure testing environments both in and out of classrooms. The software is called Securexam Remote Procter System. This is the new product of Software Secure that offers a solution that can authenticate online test-takers.

The president of Software Secure told that this software solution aims to address issues of testing integrity and degree credibility among online or distance education by authenticating the identity of the online students and ensuring that the actual examination is as honest as it is in the classroom.

Securexam Remote Procter System makes use of fingerprint verification and 360-degree real-time video and audio of the testing environment. It can log and record any suspicious sound, activity and motion that enables the professors to quickly hone on trouble spots during the exam.

One of the first universities that implement Securexam Remote Procter System is the Troy University. The university believes that the software is a big help for their distance learning programs in implementing the same testing standards they have in a proctored classroom.

For more information about Securexam Remote Procter System and how this software works, please click here.

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