Software To Disable Other Applications May Benefits Online Learning System

I read here that there is already a software developed for online testing that will eliminate the need to go to a proctored exam environment without compromising academic integrity.  This software is designed for those who want to implement computerized testing method without the fear that students may cheat through surfing the net, exchanging chat/notes or accessing outside info to find the correct answer.

The software is called Securexam, it can provide a secure word-processing environment that allows students to perform only functions pertinent to their exams, such as spreadsheet analysis on a computer. The president of software maker stated that the software has a special component for distance learning that combines security software, biometrics and video to authenticate the identity of a test-taker. These components will ensure the online test methodology using the new software is as honest as it would be in the classroom.

However, since this is just new in the market, the dependability of the software is yet to be tested. In fact, there are some universities who currently experiment the new system. The idea of this software is good especially now that online learning approach is in the rise. We should now begin to standardize the methods being used in online education program.

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