Obtaining An Online Degree in Fashion and Design

Obtaining a degree in fashion and merchandising can now be conveniently earned via online studying because there are now several accredited online universities that offer quality education leading to various degrees in fashion and fashion marketing. The two leading reputable online universities that offer a wide range of degrees in fashion and design are American InterContinental University and International Academy of Design and Technology.

The American InterContinental University offers Bachelor’s Degree in Fashion Design & Fashion Marketing; Bachelor’s Degree in Fashion Design and Bachelor’s Degree in Interior Design. AIU likewise offer Associate Degree in Fashion Design and Associate Degree in Interior Design.

The International Academy of Design and Technology is another reputable college when it comes to fashion design. This university offer online classes, lectures and seminars that are given by their visiting designers and craftsman. The International Academy of Design and Technology offer Bachelor’s Degree in Fashion Design and Marketing and Associate of Science Degree in Fashion Design and Marketing and many other courses that pertains to graphic, fine arts and interior design.

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