Capella Online University recently introduced four new online degree offerings such as Gerontology, Early Childhood Education, Homeland Security, and Security Management. Now, people who are still thinking for new courses to take or those who want to shift career may take a look to these new offerings from Capella.
The beauty of these new programs is that they are designed to address the employment needs in fields that are experiencing change. For instance, the new Gerontology specialization of Capella is based on the recommendations of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education to help deal with the scarcity of people with skills and knowledge in providing quality health care for older adults who are expected to double their population in the coming years.
The same goes with Early Childhood Education program wherein there is a growing need for professionals that can provide top-notch education and learning experience for the very young children such as the preschoolers and prekindergarten.
On the other hand, the Homeland Security, and Security Management are designed to equipped security professionals with more skills and training when it comes to securing the privately owned infrastructures of the country. For more information about the new online degree programs of Capella University, please read here.