Kindle For Online Studying?

Kindle, the revolutionary gadget developed by Amazon for reading electronic books and other published online reading materials just like ordinary textbook may possibly find bigger market in students especially those who are into online degree studying.

I just read here that college textbooks are soon to be converted to be viewed in Kindle. In fact, Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland have plans to utilize Kindle this coming Fall. They will be conducting a comparative study between student’s experiences in using Kindles and those who will use regular textbooks.

And with the growth of online students, there will surely be a lot of online schools who will offer this alternative to their students as e-books are more convenient than regular text books especially that the soon-to-be-release Kindle will feature bigger screen that is optimized for viewing newspapers, magazines and textbooks in a format similar to their paper predecessor.

On the other hand, Kindle is also advantageous for regular students because the use of Kindle will surely reduce the weights of school bags. There will be no need to carry books that roughly weigh 800 grams to 1.5 kilograms each. We can also save from using paper and thereby, waste from old and used textbooks will be reduced.

I just wish that the cost of Kindle will become more affordable even to the average earners and I also hope that the cost of e-books will not increase drastically if educators switch from paperback text books to Kindle.

But wait, there’s a nice review of Kindle by a Kindle user… it featured the pros and cons of Kindle and according to him, Kindle is not that good for students especially if you will use it for research purposes. The article is worth reading and you will definitely know where Kindle is best and worst to use.

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