iPhones and iPods Hit Big Time In Online Studying

iPhones and iPods are surely the most popular gadgets among students nowadays aside from laptop because of versatility and connectivity. These gadgets are the student’s best buddy when it comes to online studying because it allows them to get lectures, reports and college updates anytime and anywhere.

It was mentioned here before that Abilene Christian University will promote online learning through the use of portable or handheld gadgets. They will provide free iPhone or iPod touch for their freshmen that will be used to receive their homework alerts, answer in-class surveys and quizzes. And I just read now that Abilene Christian University has bought more than 600 iPhones and 300 iPods for their select students starting this fall.

Also, it has been reported that the University of Maryland, Oklahoma Christian University and Freed-Hardeman University already announced that they will give portable devices for their students. This is a clear indication that online learning is being promoted by growing numbers of universities in the United States.

How about the students? Are they also into online learning? I guess so because in Stanford University, students registered more than 700 iPhones with the campus network in 2007. And we all know the convenience of receiving school updates, class announcement, lectures and instructions from our professors anytime of the day.

Apple indeed hit big time because their sales were definitely augmented with the rise of online learning approach. Both students and academes make use of these portable gadgets as their studying tool. In fact, universities are buying iPhones and iPods by bulk for their own students.

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