Inspiring Stories Of 5 People Who Pursued Online Degree Programs

I bumped upon this article that sites 5 people who managed to finish their degrees despite difficult times and their full-time work load.  These 5 people vouches that online universities have made it possible for them to complete their degree in the most flexible way.

Kendra Magen’s story is inspiring in such a way the she still completed her online bachelor  degree in international business from Strayer University despite the fact that she continuously move from one country to another and experienced one and a half year of no telephone line. She finished her degree renting in internet café and doing here homework by asking permission from a local physics institute to use their Internet connection.

Lou Hoffman on the other resorted to continue his master’s degree in public administration in Troy University when he was deployed to Afghanistan. He has a jam-packed 12-hour daily work but still find time to spend 3 hours of studying and working on homework each night. Since there was no night life in Afghanistan, his 13-month stay provided an uninterrupted environment to study without any distractions.

Danielle Babb likewise managed to complete a doctorate in organization and management from Capella University despite his busy schedule teaching online courses in technology management, information systems, statistics, and management as well as running series of seminars teaching professors how to effectively break into the field of online teaching.

Lee Levenson, a lawyer who represents inventors, software developers and web businesses is now capable of assisting his clients not only with their legal needs but also with some technical regarding software development and e-commerce because he took up online computer programming and engineering courses in American Sentinel University. He completed these courses and upgraded his law career in a matter of one year despite of his wife’s partial disability and being the sole provider for his family of five.

Lastly, Lora Allen who is a mother of three and work as a full-time teacher and part-time fitness instructor still managed to finish her master’s degree in education even if there is no nearby college in their area. She studied at the College of St. Catharine in Minnesota that offers an online program for master’s degree in education.

The stories of these working adults are all inspiring because all of them managed to obtain a degree despite of their difficulty in finding a time for their studies due to their full work load and family commitments. The benefits of online education are really obvious to these 5 people who succeeded in completing a degree through online universities.

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