Free Online Education At Free-Ed

I have crossed upon another free online education and this time, it is being provided at Free-Ed. Free-Ed is an enterprise that is committed in providing an online school where everybody from around the world can study on their own.

The online education offered by Free-Ed is absolutely free and will not cost you anything. But because this is free and not affiliated to any institution, Free-Ed does not offer any grades, teachers, nor credits, degrees or certificates. Free-Ed’s service is similar to what MIT OpenCourseWare is offering.

This is actually good for individuals who wanted to learn something for self-fulfilment without spending anything except the value of your time. Free online education is a great way for continuous learning especially for those people who are working on their own where the need of a degree is not as significant as to those who belong in the corporate world. And you could also use this free online education to prepare for job, extend your technical skills and understanding of theoretical material related to you work, hobby, or special interest.

Free-Ed offers complete courses and tutorials advanced college preparation, GED and over 120 different vocational and academic disciplines. To view the courses they offer, please click here.

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