Check Out This Popular Online Class from MIT

I stumbled upon this news about the new Physics Superstar who is offering online Physics classes for free. The said Physics Superstar is Prof. Walter Lewin from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His Physics 1, 2, and 3 lectures are said to be tough but fun and have attracted so many learners across the world. In fact, his online lectures are even use by other physics professors in their own classes.

As mentioned here before, MIT is offering free online courses that can be accessed by the general public all over the world. And although MIT’s free online classes provide no formal college credit, there are still lots of people all across the globe who is taking MIT free online courses because they see value on these classes as the people behind these programs are real educators and that the lectures are given by legitimate and highly qualified professors.

Here is the direct link to access the free online Physics lectures of Prof. Walter Lewin over the MIT OpenCourseWare.

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