Alternative Way Of Completing A Bachelor Degree

Aside from the usual studying at a single university from freshman to senior year, there are actually growing numbers of students who opt to study in a small college community which have relatively lower cost of tuition. They will study there for around two years then transfer the credits they earned in a university to complete the remaining required credits and graduate with a bachelor degree.

And did you know that this is very possible even in online programs? And yes you can really save significant money when you do this alternative way because studying through this approach is 65% cheaper compared to the standard college education.

One particular college institution that offer this ladderized system is the Rio Salado College.  Studying here will just cost you around $1560 annually compared to the usual $5000-$10000 annual tuition costs of well-known universities. Imagine the savings that you can have when you opt to take your early years of college here.

And if you are worried about the legitimacy of Rio Salado College as an institution, worry no more because this college is part of Maricopa Community Colleges and have the maximum 10-year accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association. The credit courses you will earn here can be transferred accordingly to your desired university and will surely be credited toward completing a bachelor degree.

The have more than 450 unique online courses in such field like behavioral health, business, computer technology, education, healthcare,  law enforcement, military and incarcerated programs that usually start every two weeks. Rio Salado implements anytime, anyplace education system that allows even busy adults to complete their courses conveniently at their own pace.

To find out more about earning transferable credit hours from Rio Salado College, read this page.

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